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  • Room 11608, Unit 1, Building C, Door of Metropolis, Tangyan South Road, New Area of High-tech District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China

  • +86-29-89305761

  • +86-29-89305769


Servis talepleri


Brightway kömür yatağı metan sistemi
CBM ve jeotermal iyi sistem

Kömür madeni gaz patlama hızı düşülmesi % %70 85 kömür yatağı metan ilk mayın varsa bile. Geliştirme ve CBM kullanımı olduğunu tam olarak satffed. Temiz enerji yanı sıra, aynı zamanda ticari işlem tarafından büyük ekonomik faydalar kazanç.

Etiketler: Delme atık yönetim sistemi CBM ve jeotermal çamur sistemi Çamur katı kontrol sistemi

Brightway Motor kontrol merkezi Oda
Motor kontrol merkezi Oda

Brightway mm güç dağıtım sistemi optimizasyonu daha fazla konsantrasyon iyi bir temelidir. MNS içinde entegre elektrik kontrol sistemi kurmak çok kolay hale geldi.

Etiketler: Motor kontrol merkezi Güç kontrol sistemi MM Oda

Sludge Vacuum Pump

Sludge vacuum pump, also known as solids vacuum pump or solids transfer pump, which is a high load and strong suction pneumatic vacuum pump.Brightway could supply the BWVP750 and BWVP500 model of Solids Vacuum Pump.

Etiketler: Solids Vacuum Pump Solids Transfer Pump Sludge Vacuum Pump

Triple Deck Shale Shaker

Triple deck shale shaker is a new type of solids control shale shaker for oilfield drilling. Triple deck shale shaker is the product of continuous improvement and upgrading of oilfield drilling solids control technology. It has high-performance components and can adapt to different drilling solids control conditions. The triple deck drilling mud shale shaker adopts a modular screen structure with a large screen area. A triple deck shale shaker can replace the traditional solids control system as an all-in-one model. It reduces the cost of equipment such as desilter, desander, etc.

Etiketler: Triple Deck Shale Shaker Drilling Solids Control Equipment Mud Shale Shaker Manufacturers

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