- Katı kontrol donanımları
- Triple Deck Shale Shaker
- Doğrusal hareket şeyl Shaker
- Vakum Degasser
- Temiz çamur
- Desander
- Desilter
- Santrifüj decanting
- Sludge Vacuum Pump
- Kurutma makinesi kesme dikey
- Şeyl Shaker kurutma
- Jet çamur Mikser
- Çamur karıştırıcı
- Santrifüj pompa
- Yamultma pompa
- Bulamaç dalgıç pompa
- Çamur silah
- Çamur gazı ayırıcı
- Yangın ateşleme aygıtı
- Vida pompa
- Su tankı
- Çamur Tank
- Motor kontrol merkezi Oda
- Screw Conveyor
- Offshore Mud Skip Container
- Barite Bulk Silo
- Katı kontrol sistemi
- Yedek parçalar
İlgili kişi
Room 11608, Unit 1, Building C, Door of Metropolis, Tangyan South Road, New Area of High-tech District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Servis talepleri
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Petrol ve gaz sondaj sistemi çalışmaları
Solids Control System for ZJ50DB Drill rig in Tarim Oilfield
Solids Control System for ZJ50DB Drill rig in Tarim Oilfield
The Solids Control System is matching with ZJ50DB Drill rig in Tarim Oilfield. The System is designed and manufactured according customers requirement. It is composed of two sets Shale Shaker,one set Vacuum Degasser,Mud cleaner,Decanter Centrifuge. (compact structure,and easy operation and maintenance,)
Related Reading: http://www.brightwaysolids.com/One-set-Drilling-Mud-Solid-Control-System-Sent-to-India_n115
Önceki :Fluids Cleaning System for CBM Drilling Rig on Site
Sonraki :Solids Control System for ZJ20 Drilling Rig in Saudi Arabia